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Dr. Decorato spoke at a Cynosure lecture in Denver, CO. Here are some of the attendees asking THE EXPERT for his expertise about SculpSure.

Plastic Surgery in Staten Island, NY  Plastic Surgery in Staten Island, NY

Plastic Surgery in Staten Island, NY  Plastic Surgery in Staten Island, NY

Meet Dr. Decorato

One of Staten Island’s top cosmetic surgeons, John W. Decorato, M.D., believes that your choice of plastic surgeon is essential to the success of any procedure. Before selecting either a procedure or a surgeon, learn everything you can about the procedures available and about the doctor. Well-informed patients are able to forge a comfortable professional relationship with their surgeon and actively participate in discussions about the desired procedure.

Meet Dr. Decorato
Plastic Surgery, John W. Decorato, M.D., FACS, Staten Island, NY Plastic Surgery, John W. Decorato, M.D., FACS, Staten Island, NY